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April Snowfall.

April snow on Wildcat Mountain.

April snow on Wildcat Mountain.

We returned to the cabin and found spring just beginning in the mountains.  Down in the Rondout Valley the hepatica (H. acutiloba) bloomed March 30; the bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) the following day; April 2nd saw spring-beauty (Claytonia carolina) bloom on Wildcat Mountain.  And then on April 3rd the snow came, in the middle of the night.  I had heard that cold and snow was coming, but I figured it would be a dusting.  I got up in the middle of the night, hearing that unusual silence that means snow; there were four inches of snow on the roof outside our loft window.  All in all, eight inches fell that day, but the unfrozen ground began melting it quickly everywhere it was touching the ground: only on logs and decks and sheds could you see the full depth of the snow.  Then came wild, forty-mile-an-hour winds; and the following day more snow, eight more inches.  The result, after the wind and melt, is a good solid foot of snow on the ground.

And now, cold.  The forecast is for 7 degrees tonight – which would easily kill any new growth on plants.  Hopefully the snow will protect the plants.

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