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Category Archives: Comments on Life

The endlessness of our society.


incognito The following article is an articulation of an experience I commonly have, encountering the vast outpouring of intellect in our society: I often try to conceive of the fullness of the life experience of the billion or so people who live wealthy, American-style lives: people who see a great portion of the globe, read (and write) books, keep websites, […]

The End of Books II: The Greenwich Expedition.


buy Lyrica belfast             After my previous book expedition, I still had seven boxes of books which had been purged from the Richmond Hill collection.  These were the dregs of the dregs – the kind of books that are required in college courses, cost a great deal of money, are turned into new editions in a few years, […]

The End of Books.


      “How much, thought I, has each of these volumes, now thrust aside with such indifference, cost some aching head – how many weary days!  how many sleepless nights!  How have their authors buried themselves in the solitude of cells and cloisters; shut themselves up from the face of man, and the still more blessed […]

Resolving some contradictions.


              Many of the oppositions that appear to occur in the universe are resolved by the simple inclusion of time in the reckoning.  Day and night, for instance: they appear to be opposites, and yet the simple lapse of time leads from one to the other and back again.             In speech, these opposites […]

Among Men.


I´ve come down to New York City to be among men for awhile.  No internet access in Richmond Hill, which remains its 19th century self.  Yet another opportunity to try to experience past and present at the same time.

But / And


The individual personality reveals itself in the tiniest of things.  One of the most interesting is the word “but.”  Like all the adversatives (however, although, nonetheless, etc.) it implies some kind of opposition.  It is most interesting to see where people think there is an opposition, and wherever they use the word “but” you may […]

Why New York is the most wonderful city I know.


The Village on Election Night:

It’s an Archetypal Life


Is it just me, or has John McCain morphed into Mr. Potter?  “A warped, frustrated old man,” prattling on about how wealth has to come down from the top.  Closed, grasping, acquisitive, trapped in his own self and his own desire for more for himself.  And Obama is becoming our George Bailey – the defender of the […]

The Strange Recurrence of Failure


            The desire for success is one of those traits that seem natural enough to a human being, and I have been convinced that this desire is laudable in myself because I have baptized it, by defining success as service to others.             And yet I find in my life a continual thwarting of it, […]