Ancient societies typically did not distinguish between various types of human-caused human death in times of peace. The distinctions we have (first degree, second degree, and third degree murder, as well as manslaughter, negligent homicide, wrongful death, justifiable homicide, etc.) did not apply then. The killer incurred some kind of guilt, simply because he had […]
Category Archives: Comments on Life
The Outsourcerers.
24-Sep-14Travelling with my mother in Quebec, we saw the statue of Champlain that stands outside the Chateau Frontenac. “People dressed so strangely in those days,” she said. I let her continue the thought. “A lot of times they had people dress them – can you imagine? Needing someone to dress you?” She continued: “You know, […]
Thoreau on Simplicity.
20-Mar-14Reflecting further on what I am looking for, as opposed to what Helen and Scott Nearing were looking for, I find much of the answer in Thoreau as usual: I see young men, my townsmen, whose misfortune it is to have inherited farms, houses, barns, cattle, and farming tools; for these are more easily acquired […]
05-Feb-14As I started my fire yesterday, my eyes paused on the paper I was about to stuff into the stove: the envelope of a friend’s Christmas card. He had died shortly after Christmas. I thought for a moment: that hand, just weeks ago, could write me a card and send it in the mail; and […]
The Problem of Love.
17-Nov-13“Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease, And builds a heaven in hell’s despair.” So sung a little Clod of Clay, Trodden with the cattle’s feet, But a Pebble of the brook Warbled out these metres meet: “Love seeketh only Self to please, To […]
07-Nov-13Everything godlike is weak and defenseless.
The Effect of Nature on the Mind.
30-Oct-13Andrew Sullivan quotes a University Bookman piece which quotes a lecture by Santayana on the effect that nature as – or can have, if we let it in – on the American mind. When you are in nature: Everywhere is beauty and nowhere permanence, everywhere an incipient harmony, nowhere an intention, nor a responsibility, nor […]
Some Thoreau.
02-Oct-13What a writer this guy is. And so beautiful a soul. On loneliness: But like those women of Malamocco and Pelestrina [towns on the Venetian lagoon], who when their husbands are fishing at sea, repair to the shore and sing their shrill songs at evening, till they hear the voices of their husbands in reply […]
Graduate School.
01-Oct-13A friend told me on Saturday that he was considering going to grad school – either for an MFA or an MBA. The funny thing was that I sensed that if he wanted to paint and be an artist, he should get the MBA, and if he was going to be a businessman, he should […]
A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away…
28-Dec-14purchase Clomiphene 50mg This morning I was starting my fire with bits of newspaper, and it so happened that a copy of The New York Times from some months ago contributed to these pyrogenics. No headlines are quite so interesting as old headlines – I sometimes find that it takes me a few extra minutes to get the […]