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Category Archives: Comments on Life



how to buy Latuda online “At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself living in every tree, in the plashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons… I have done without electricity, and tend the fireplace and […]

In the Liberty Laundromat.

14-Apr-10 Folding my clothes in an empty laundromat on a beautiful day in the sad town of Liberty, NY, I was treated to the pleasant television viewing experience of “Hollywood’s Greatest Tragedies.”  I caught the tail-end of the deaths of Christopher Reeve and his wife; then what was called the Greatest Hollywood Tragedy of All Time, […]

Temptation (Ctd.)


On my mind as I consider avoidance.  A second attempt, to clarify the thought: The essence of every temptation is that it contains within itself the evasion of a fact.



I remember reading of Goethe, a man so blessed that some have said he lived the fullest human life ever, that he said that in all his life he never had forty consecutive happy days.  Senior year of college, after turning in my thesis, I put myself to this challenge, and had twenty-five consecutive happy […]

Marriage and Divorce.


I found myself very affected by this piece by Sanra Tsing Loh in the Atlantic – on her divorce.  It’s not pleasant reading, but its very unpleasantness begs the question: if we are becoming this self-centered, complicated, prissy, and intelligent, how can anyone want to be married to us? Most curious to me is the […]

An Attempt At Self-Portraiture.


When I moved up to the cabin, I brought a few boxes of unsorted papers with me, which I went through as the spirit prompted me.  The completely useless papers – for with me, all things must be completely useless before I can destroy them – went into some paper bags which I keep by […]

Kill Your Television.


This is all so obvious, but still worth a thought, considering how electronic raising of kids is only getting more prevalent.  From Movie Mom, via Andrew Sullivan, on the expose of the Baby Einstein fraud: The academic studies show that what infants learn from watching a family member once takes them four times as long […]

Quote of the Day


“All real living is meeting.” – Martin Buber

Into the Cave.


A friend alerted me to the following Sullivan post, which I highly recommend reading in full: One of the lessons of the spiritual life which can be put in brief form, is this: If you think of evil as something that someone else is or does, you don’t understand it and you don’t understand […]

Hunters and Hunted.


Terrifying electrical storms swept the mountains Sunday and Monday nights, raining bolts onto the mountaintops.  Since there have been no fewer than three lightning strikes within 200 feet of my cabin while I have been inside it – including striking the cabin itself – it’s hard not to feel terror as you watch the bolts […]