Category Archives: Fall
Autumn Once More
17-Oct-19The Last Flowers of the Season.
27-Sep-18Pawpaw Season.
25-Oct-16Over the past week, Catherine has made a pawpaw cream pie, pawpaw pancakes, and we’ve had pawpaw ice cream made locally. I’ve been pretty impressed at how useful pawpaws can be. And I’m amazed that this the largest native North American fruit has never made it into American cuisine until now, because it fits in […]
07-Nov-13In the Mountains.
24-Oct-13Alta petant aquilae.
02-Oct-13A day off, and I couldn’t help myself – I just had to get into the high mountains. Here’s where I spent much of my day, on this rock. Almost ready to burst with the happiness of being immersed in the unearnedly beautiful.
Working the Garlic Festival.
01-Oct-13For the past few days, I’ve been frenetically busy, but framed, as hard work often is, by quiet, melancholy moments – and in those moments I’ve heard this music. I worked the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival for Catskill Native Nursery this past weekend, and the carnival atmosphere and silly joy of these events is always […]
Cutting Wood.
28-Aug-13The woodcutting has started in earnest, and it’s such pleasant work I have to stop my body from doing it so much I’ll get injured. As sad as I am to say goodbye to summer, there’s just something about fall. It’s beautiful.
Wildcat Woodstacking.
14-Aug-13Down in the upper 30s at night. Beautiful, early autumnal weather. Time to stack up the wood for the winter.
Some Thoreau.
02-Oct-13What a writer this guy is. And so beautiful a soul. On loneliness: But like those women of Malamocco and Pelestrina [towns on the Venetian lagoon], who when their husbands are fishing at sea, repair to the shore and sing their shrill songs at evening, till they hear the voices of their husbands in reply […]