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Category Archives: Images

Fr. Reginald Foster, O.C.D., 1939-2020


  Reginald Foster in his classroom in 2001. Te amamus, dulcis magister.

An Old Friend in the Woods.


A New Beginning.


We have moved, as of October 21, into our new old house in High Falls, in the Hudson Valley.  We are told the kernel of the house was begun in 1803, and it passed through a period as the John Forbes Hotel.  It’s a little beat up – heat not functioning on one side, multiple […]

Winter At High Elevation.


Autumn Once More


Christmas All Year Long


The view from the north flank of Slide Mountain, towards Cornell and Wittenberg Mountains. Up here, the balsam fir grows and it smells like Christmas all year long.

The Last Flowers of the Season.


Latest Piece


The “Global Latinists” piece I wrote is, like the piece about Reginaldus before it, something I’m proud of and which I hope will find readers.  I believe it’s currently behind the paywall, but I know the New Criterion also puts some articles outside its paywall, and I hope this one will get there.

In New York City


There’s always something to remind me of home.

The View From My Window.


It’s been 8 years since I was last in Europe; time for a revisit.  This summer we are spending in Rome, working for the Paideia Institute, and toting around our two five-month-olds.  Rome is a city I know well, and it’s full of ghosts; some are mine, and some belong to us all.