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Category Archives: Life in the Catskills

Letter to the Ulster County Planning Board.


buy provigil in usa The Ulster County Planning Board has its meeting to review the wind turbine here in Denning on Wednesday the 4th.  I expect to attend.  The online petition opposing the turbine, to be built inside the “forever wild” Catskill State Park, is here.  Emails for people on the UCPB are, and  I wrote the […]

Winter Closes In.


San Carlos I came back up to the mountains last night after a delightful few days in the city – though at the end I started to get haunted by the melancholy which sometimes tugs at me when confronted with city dwelling: I can tolerate the loneliness at the heart of my life as long as nature […]

NY Times Coverage, and Is This Project ‘Green’?


An article in the New York Times which captures pretty well the kind of contempt and arrogance of the owner and designer of the Denning wind turbine project. As more information has come out, it’s become clear that Mr. Hirsch’s project is just a vanity project and not green.  Building a $360,000 structure (much of […]

Wind Turbine Postponement.


We were circulating a petition asking for a tabling of the vote on the wind turbine, and the vote has indeed been tabled.  Ulster County caught wind of the project and put a stay on it themselves, pending their own review.  This is good.

Town Board Meeting Tonight, Zoning Board Meeting 11/13/13.


There’s a town board meeting tonight at 7 p.m., and one of the items of business will be our petition to get a stay on the decision to build a 177′ wind turbine here in town.  I’ve heard complaints from some of my environmentalist friends – we need renewable energy sources – but I still […]

Online Petition Against Building Wind Turbines in Catskill State Park.


We’ve created an online version of the petition we’ve been circulating here in town.  I think preservation of the Catskills from 17-storey buildings is a worthy endeavor and one that has value not just for our local residents but for everyone.  I encourage everyone to follow the link and sign.

“Cover the Mountains With Wind Turbines.”


I went to the Town Board meeting last night, in part to congratulate the victors, but mostly because of the wind turbine issue I wrote about earlier.  Since first encountering this issue I’ve thought about it a lot, and asked the opinions of people I respect, and the more I thought about it the more […]

Congratulations to Councilmen Greg Vurckio and Kevin Smith.


The election results are in.  Greg Vurckio was endorsed by both the Republican and Democratic parties, and won election easily.  It was mostly a contest between myself and Kevin Smith.  The vote: Kevin Smith 117 John Kuhner 87 Congratulations to Kevin and Greg, and a thank you to all the Councilmen – I’ve seen up […]

Making Denning History.


I was speaking with the former town historian, Jean Switzler, yesterday, and she told me that as far as she knows there’s never been a Democrat elected to any position in the Town of Denning.  “If there has been it’d have to be before my time,” she said.  She is almost ninety.  She might have […]

Wind Power Generation in Denning?


Going door-to-door along Mountain Lane yesterday I was asked what my opinion was about “the big wind turbine,” and I had to confess that I had no opinion about it, because I had never heard of it before. (It felt like a bit of a political defeat, to be going door-to-door and get asked about […]