A friend over lunch had just been enthusing to me about the Woody Allen film Midnight in Paris, and lo and behold, Catherine, unbidden, brought it home from the library the next day. The coincidence made watching it irresistible; and anyway, I was curious about it. Several people I know had loved it, while others found it […]
Category Archives: Movies
Midnight In Paris.
12-Nov-15Wild, The Movie.
10-Jan-15When you are in nature for extended periods, especially when alone, the membrane between yourself and the outside world gets thinner. The vocabulary of the forest and the wild starts to suggest itself in your dreams, and the sensory force of it begins to unlock your memories. The more extended the trip, the more thoroughly […]
We all know that something happened to the collective soul of the West during “the Great War”: that somehow or other before the War civilized people were busy making panelled billiard-rooms, velvet dresses, and gilded opera houses; and afterwards they were throwing themselves with humanity-destroying panic into Money or Ideologies, looking to Communism or Eugenics […]
Singin’ in the Rain.
21-Aug-13Last Saturday there was a party to celebrate the Denning Town Garden, the creation of a group of citizens who wanted to create the town’s first public space. After the party – which was a wonderful celebration of our little upstate community – an artist who lives next door to the town garden showed – […]
10-Jan-13I don’t wish to waste many words on Lincoln, the execrable mediocrity currently on offer from Fox. Sibelius once complained that people compared his music to Tchaikovsky’s: “I cannot understand why my symphonies are so often compared with Tchaikovsky’s. His symphonies are very human, but they represent the soft parts of human nature. Mine are […]
Searching for Sugar Man.
24-Sep-12Recognition depends to a great extent on chance, but given enough time, chance produces fairly reliable results. In general, however, a single human lifetime is not long enough. And so there will always be people whose excellence goes unrecognized in their lifetimes. Van Gogh is the most extreme example, the painter who never sold a […]
The Wolfman.
02-Aug-12The Film Forum is hosting a celebration of the work of Universal Pictures – a studio which has been operating for a hundred years now. One of its programs was a triple feature of three classic horror films, The Mummy, The Invisible Man, and The Wolfman. I had time to catch only the last film […]
The 3:10 To Yuma.
22-Jan-12I saw the Western The 3:10 To Yuma at the Fox Theater in downtown Tucson last night. The movie was good, though the “suspension of disbelief” requirements were a little high for me: the plot revolves around getting a notorious desperado onto a train to be hanged in Yuma. A fairly large number of people die […]
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp.
02-Dec-11A trip to the Film Forum when I was in New York around Thanksgiving gave me the privilege of seeing The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. The promotional material cited the movie as “England’s greatest film” and “better than Citizen Kane” and so forth; but these are about as useful as the blurbs on […]
Hannah and Her Sisters.
09-Dec-15Three years ago, for Valentine’s Day, the Fox Theater in Tucson was showing Annie Hall, which gave me the privilege of seeing it in a theater. It had been twenty years since I had seen it last, and it amazed me: its inventiveness, its consistently good humor, the truly impressive way that it brings you […]