My father used to talk about this, that in his day they used to Trick-or-treat on Thanksgiving, not Halloween. I never disbelieved him, but here is confirmation of what he used to say. It’s odd to think of traditions changing so quickly – within a single generation, the notion of Thanksgiving being used for trick-or-treating […]
Category Archives: New York City
Trick-or-treating on Thanksgiving.
23-Nov-14A friend recently introduced me to the work of Sebastiao Salgado, who I think can lay claim to being the greatest photographer who has ever lived. I can say that the show I just saw at the International Center for Photography, Genesis, is the best photography show I’ve ever seen. In fact, in my mind […]
A Richmond Hill Landmark in the News.
22-Apr-14It’s nice to see the great Red Oak of White Hill getting some press – it was mentioned in today’s Times blog. The tree – which they’re calling the “Robin Hood Oak” – fell in that storm that sent a tornado through Brooklyn in 2010 – was the most magnificent tree I have seen growing in city […]
La Boheme in Bloombergia.
26-Mar-14Pauperibus vates ego sum, quia pauper amavi; cum dare non possem munera, verba dabam. “I am the bard of the poor, because I have been a poor man in love; when I had no gifts to give, I gave words.” – Ovid As we get older, I think we all fear for the things we really […]
New York, New York…
03-Apr-13From a friend who refuses to get a blog: New York City tells it like it is. While walking out of Grand Central I saw a large woman fall in the middle of the road. One of her shoes (possibly the cause of her fall) was a few feet away. A man rushed to her […]
Our Lady of Loreto on Easter Sunday.
01-Apr-13Saint Paul on the facade of Our Lady of Loreto church in East New York, Brooklyn. The church, designed by Paterson sculptor Federico Gaetani and one of the finest examples of neo-Baroque architecture in New York, has been shuttered by the diocese of Brooklyn.
Last month, after having lunch with a friend in Dumbo, I decided spontaneously to take a tour of the Watchtower buildings – the Jehovah’s Witnesses World Headquarters in Brooklyn Heights. It’s one of the things you grow up with in New York City – you tell the time and the temperature by it whenever you’re […]
The World’s Coolest Movie Theater.
29-Jan-13So who knew that the world’s coolest movie theater was in Jamaica, Queens? All its detailing is preserved too. Pretty amazing. It’s now a church, and by a curious but understandable law preventing the state from landmarking church interiors it is not a landmark.
“We Flavor Kids’ Medicines.”
23-Jan-13The S&M Pharmacy. I really do love Queens. On Main Street, Kew Gardens Hills. Full name is Shalom and Mecheieh Pharmacy.
The Outsourcerers.
24-Sep-14Travelling with my mother in Quebec, we saw the statue of Champlain that stands outside the Chateau Frontenac. “People dressed so strangely in those days,” she said. I let her continue the thought. “A lot of times they had people dress them – can you imagine? Needing someone to dress you?” She continued: “You know, […]