Staten Island is a little different from the rest of New York City, isn’t it? This is Mount Loretto, the remains of an old orphanage along the southern shore of the island. This area is the subject of an essay, “Ultima Thule,” in my forthcoming book about Staten Island.
Category Archives: New York City
Time: 2010. Place: New York City.
31-Jan-10Mayhem in Queens.
22-Dec-09Stories of airline horrors at JFK, which seems likely to be the case until Christmas Day. Delta having one person at the checkin desk, six hour waits, and so forth. Police called in to quell the angry mob. Where is all the money going in these industries? The employees are not well paid. There aren’t […]
The J Train.
20-Dec-09A few friends got some real experience with the J train last night – in a blizzard no less – coming out to decorate the Christmas tree with me and sing a few old songs. It reminded me of the following story: A friend called me up after flying out of New York, very excited. […]
The Great Recession.
06-Dec-09After ten days in the city, I’m heading back to the snows. Far and away the most striking thing about this visit was the sheer number of unemployed people I met. Last night was the peak of this, at a Christian artists’ party. Of course the artsy folk are going to be underemployed, but this […]
A Not Bad City of All Possible Cities.
28-Nov-09Waiting in the New York Public Library to meet a friend, who was late, my eyes had leisure to see things they had not seen before; and they chanced upon a tiny little room overdone in purple marble just off the foyer, a sort of bibliophanic sacristy, with a few glass cases containing what appeared […]
The Gothamist Pieces.
06-Nov-09I’m lazy of course and only recently learned how to get all these posts in one place, but here is the complete set. You have to click “view remaining entries” to get them all.
Victim Mentality.
03-Nov-09I distrust anyone who attempts to portray themselves as a victim. Some people are victims, certainly, but a managed, well-researched self-presentation as such is almost always a sign of some kind of derangement. Especially when you’re one of the most powerful people in the most powerful country in the world, of course.—the-gospel-in-the-digital-age/index.cfm?i=14042 We have […]
From the Bizarre Catholicism Department…
15-Oct-09This was too good not to comment on: French Priest Traveling In U.S.A. With Relics of St. Mary Magdalene. Apparently a priest is going on tour with some bits of bone, purported to be those of Mary Magdalene. And she’ll be making an appearance in New York City, at St. Vincent Ferrer, on Monday. I […]
Viral Fish.
06-Oct-09I heard from a friend that the story I penned for Gothamist about the Great Fish of Richmond Hill still had some legs and was getting traffic, and since I doubted this traffic was coming solely from Gothamist, I decided to fish around the internet and see where the story had gone. Sure enough, if […]
Still an abuse of the law.
29-Dec-09 Attempts to make law enforcement a business just create stupidity, petty regulation, law for law’s sake, and injustice. Even if it’s petty injustice.