The Pope has weighed in on the Charlie Hebdo killings, and he falls into the “Well, I don’t like murder normally, but…” camp: The Holy Father spoke to journalists in a broad interview on the papal flight to the Philippines about the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the controversy about the magazine’s new cover this week. […]
Category Archives: Right Living
A Little Bit of Wisdom and Perspective.
29-Nov-14A very well-put, thoughtful piece by Erik Lindberg on how even the most liberal democrats and greens are probably climate change deniers nearly as myopic as any Republican. The democratic problem is a belief that no serious change of lifestyle is required: that all we need to do is shift the sources of our energy […]
On Love and Marriage.
23-Nov-14A brilliant sermon on love, marriage, and monogamy, by Jonathan Sacks, given at the Vatican. This is well worth the time to read. Whenever you see good sermonizing it is amazing how bad the normal stuff is. This is a defense of monogamy which actually works: not by demonizing alternatives but by showing the virtue […]
On Anger.
08-Aug-14A friend who is going through some difficulties told me that she was outside her house recently, sitting in her car, and she realized she had been angry for a long time: and all of a sudden that she was not angry anymore: it was all dissolving, and it was just turning to sadness – […]
Some Wendell Berry.
25-Apr-14“However destructive may be the policies of the government and the methods and products of the corporations, the root of the problem is always to be found in private life. We must learn to see that every problem that concerns us as conservationists always leads straight to the question of how we live. The world […]
A friend lent me the one-volume edition of Helen and Scott Nearing’s The Good Life and Continuing the Good Life a few months ago, and since that time I have worked on it in leaps and starts. The blurb on the back of the book advertises it very well, and explains why I was willing […]
04-Jan-14From a Jim Harrison interview: I remember this—it might be an apocryphal story—they gave some old Zen master seven hits of acid. And nothing happened. You see what I mean? You have to accept your dream life as part of your life. Only our culture would neglect the dream life. I mean my God, it’s […]
The Effect of Nature on the Mind.
30-Oct-13Andrew Sullivan quotes a University Bookman piece which quotes a lecture by Santayana on the effect that nature as – or can have, if we let it in – on the American mind. When you are in nature: Everywhere is beauty and nowhere permanence, everywhere an incipient harmony, nowhere an intention, nor a responsibility, nor […]
Freud and the Future of an Illusion.
19-Aug-13A friend recently lent me a copy of Clive James’ book Cultural Amnesia – now that is a good friend – which I devoured over the course of a little over a week. The book is excellent, and what is particularly lovely about it is that it filled me with the desire to read everything […]
The Outsourcerers.
24-Sep-14Travelling with my mother in Quebec, we saw the statue of Champlain that stands outside the Chateau Frontenac. “People dressed so strangely in those days,” she said. I let her continue the thought. “A lot of times they had people dress them – can you imagine? Needing someone to dress you?” She continued: “You know, […]