A shot of me at what should be a Tucson landmark.
Tag Archives: Arizona
Ugly But Honest.
05-Aug-12Odd Names on the American Map.
06-Jun-12Mexican Water, Arizona. Home of this Hannibal, who was lying on a dust-heap n the shade, the very Argos of dogs:
Vague Discontent in Northeast Arizona.
06-Jun-12Driving out of Arizona I couldn’t shake a pursuing unhappiness, as I watched mile after mile of desert vanish behind me. I kept the radio off all day and drove in silence. I got out often to take pictures – more than 200 on that one day – but otherwise I kept moving continually, from […]
Driving northeast from Flagstaff I passed through the Navajo Reservation, a vast area taking up something like a quarter of all Arizona. White man’s logic would dictate that there was consequently little in this vast area of easily discernible economic value. So it seemed to my eyes. As with many places in the Southwest, the […]
06-May-12“In 1858 the reputation of southern Arizona for wickedness was just beginning. By the Gadsden Purchase this border territory had recently been acquired from Mexico. The tradition of mines of fabulous richness, abandoned by the Spaniards, made this remote country a new El Dorado. The sudden influx of Americans, eager to exploit its mineral treasures, […]
Picacho Peak, Arizona.
06-May-12Taken near the top. The peak rises very impressively from the desert. It appears to be a volcanic plug, like Shiprock or Devil’s Tower. Even the trail to the top climbs at an 80-degree incline at times, and you hoist yourself up with metal cables. This is from the not-so-steep side, where the trail is; […]
“The Lord’s pot must be kept boiling, even if it takes the devil’s kindling.” – the Reverend Endicott Peabody, of Tombstone, on accepting gambling money.
Holbrook, Arizona.
01-Apr-12Much of northeastern Arizona is high, dry plain, one of the landforms least appealing to me; the dryness and dustiness seemed to increase the further I got from Flagstaff, and most things looked pretty ugly by the time I rolled into Holbrook, a gray-yellow dusty town of boxy concrete buildings. I am by nature not […]
Winslow, Arizona.
01-Apr-12I passed through Winslow, Arizona, and attempted to get a meal, which failed. There wasn’t much in town, which seems to now hang all its hopes on the Eagles song. A tourist shop stands opposite the famed corner, which was the only thing open in town besides a Circle K. I stood for awhile on […]
Why The 19th Century Was So Lovely in the End.
17-Apr-12Because, for all its problems, you can bet that even in a town like Tombstone, Arizona, “the rottenest place you ever saw,” in the 19th century someone somewhere in town had a bust of Goethe.