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Tag Archives: atheism

Freud and the Future of an Illusion.

19-Aug-13 A friend recently lent me a copy of Clive James’ book Cultural Amnesia – now that is a good friend – which I devoured over the course of a little over a week. The book is excellent, and what is particularly lovely about it is that it filled me with the desire to read everything […]

Andrew Sullivan on the New Atheists.


buy isotretinoin online in canada I utterly agree with him: I have written about Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins before, as well as their spiritual progenitor Bertrand Russell.

Bertrand Russell’s Atheist Essays.


There is a fine little collection of essays about atheism by Bertrand Russell, entitled Why I Am Not A Christian, which I read on subway rides about the city the past week.  It is light reading, and his mature essays are in a lucid style which offers no difficulties (some of his earlier essays, such […]

Further Thoughts on Grizzly Man.


I have written before that the movie Grizzly Man did not disturb me too much – I felt that the death of Timothy Treadwell – who was eaten by a grizzly bear after spending more than ten summers living in close quarters with them – was appropriate: we all must die, and this was a […]

Richard Dawkins’ God Delusion.


The Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion is not a good book; it is unorganized, gossipy, filled with tangents, of little depth, and boring.  Oscar Wilde said there were no moral or immoral books; “books are well written, or badly written, that is all.”  The God Delusion is badly written.  I could tell I was […]

Into Eternity.


I saw the well-reviewed documentary “Into Eternity” last week, and was not too impressed, though I don’t quite regret the two hours.  There has to be some excuse for making a movie out of what might be a thousand-word essay; and “Into Eternity” does not offer that kind of visual or experiential payoff.  The facility […]

Christopher Hitchens, Religions, and Life Without God.


I’ve been impressed recently by the intelligence, articulateness, and unapologetically rakish character of Christopher Hitchens, and curiosity about and respect for the man prompted me to take a look at the fashionable atheist books of the day, beginning with his God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.  As is always the case with modern […]