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Tag Archives: Benedict

After Reining in Nuns, Vatican Sets Its Sights on Jesus of Nazareth


TUCSON, ARIZONA – In a move long called for by religious conservatives, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has ordered Jesus of Nazareth, titular founder of Christianity and Son of God, to reform his statutes, programs and affiliations to conform more closely to “the teachings and discipline of the Church.” The Vatican […]

Kung v. Benedict.


Kung comes across as just as stuck in his ways as his opposition – the old boring liberal vs. conservative battle the Church has borrowed from the culture – but he’s smart of course and says some very perceptive things in this open letter to the bishops.  And the conclusion?  Call a council.

Diuturni Silentii… hodiernus dies finem attulit.


I’ve been quiet for awhile now, due to productive book-writing, guests, Easter in the City, and fabulous weather, which to squander by spending indoors when you don’t have to would be sinful.  Today, however, I simply had to give my body a break – I’m a bit sore from outdoor labor and sun exposure.  But […]