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Tag Archives: botany

The Devil Is In The Details.


“Opinions,” said T.E. Lawrence in one of his more clear-sighted, depressive moods, “are arguable, but convictions need shooting to be cured.”  Reason is not one of the more obvious human capacities, and as we know well, a certain amount of unreason lends tenor and piquancy to belief.  But as a plantsman I found the screenshot […]

The Problem With Men.


A very nice piece by Roy Baumeister on gender differences and the oppression of patriarchy.  It is consistently insightful and is a good explanation of a lot of male behavior (for women who don’t understand men or men who don’t understand themselves). It relates to the Atlantic piece “The End of Men” from last year, […]



The Vatican just canonized Fr. Peter Damien, which gives me a great excuse to remember some of the good parts of my trip to Hawaii last year.  I spent most of my time on Molokai, the small island where Peter Damien lived.  Really all I need to show are images, which are extraordinary enough.  And […]