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Tag Archives: Brooklyn

Found in the Basement of 85-31 115th St.


My mother contracted to buy the Richmond Hill house “as is,” and it was full of stuff at the time she moved in. Most of the furniture I grew up with was in the house before any of us arrived. Many other things were there too – and are still there, in fact. There are […]

Our Lady of Loreto on Easter Sunday.


Saint Paul on the facade of Our Lady of Loreto church in East New York, Brooklyn.  The church, designed by Paterson sculptor Federico Gaetani and one of the finest examples of neo-Baroque architecture in New York, has been shuttered by the diocese of Brooklyn.

Mark Twain’s Grave on All Souls Day.


I wrote on this blog about a trip of mine to Hannibal, Missouri, the adorable little river-town where Mark Twain spent his boyhood. In our imaginations the writer is so associated with the Mississippi River that I believe it it something of a crime that he is not buried along its course. It is of […]

Let’s Have Real Names For Our Daughters Again…


Names like Freelove Titus, daughter of Bathsheba Titus.  From Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, where I was pleased a few days ago to find a number of old Kuhner family graves.

From the Nutty Catholicism Department…


A friend tipped me off to the story of the “monkey Jesus,” a botched fresco-restoration effort by an elderly woman in a Spanish parochial church.  “The once dignified portrait now resembles a crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey in an ill-fitting tunic,” the BBC story reports.  This is fine: paintings sometimes get destroyed.  But […]

Our Lady of Loreto in Brooklyn.


Having some friends in the Prospect Heights area of Brooklyn, I have driven Atlantic Avenue fairly often, the road which connects that part of Brooklyn with Richmond Hill in Queens.  One day there was some work being done on the road, and I was detoured onto the streets of East New York, where I drove […]

“Sarcastic and malicious even in his intercourse with children.”


Being a man of no diplomatic facility, I have a compensating fascination for slithery “statesmen”: and since I always love extremes, it makes sense that I should be drawn to the most reptilian of them all, Charles Maurice Talleyrand.  Most curious to me is the fact that the one interruption to his long career of […]

The J Train.


A few friends got some real experience with the J train last night – in a blizzard no less – coming out to decorate the Christmas tree with me and sing a few old songs.  It reminded me of the following story: A friend called me up after flying out of New York, very excited.  […]

Fish Under The Bridge.


In Brooklyn, just outside the Gothamist office.