For the past few days, I’ve been frenetically busy, but framed, as hard work often is, by quiet, melancholy moments – and in those moments I’ve heard this music. I worked the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival for Catskill Native Nursery this past weekend, and the carnival atmosphere and silly joy of these events is always […]
Tag Archives: Catskill Native Nursery
Working the Garlic Festival.
01-Oct-13An interesting article on the importance of native plants for wildlife. The logic is obvious – animals need energy, and they derive it all ultimately from plants, and they have evolved with certain plants and need them – no bamboo, no pandas. No eucalyptus, no koalas. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence as well. It’s […]
The World’s Best Brown-Eyed Susan.
04-Oct-12She grew in my garden this year. That’s one plant, bought from Catskill Native Nursery a few years ago. For years it wouldn’t bloom – the deer ate all the buds – but then I moved it into the cloister garden. Now it’s a good four or five feet in diameter and absolutely gorgeous. It’s […]
Garlic Festival.
20-Sep-11I should be at my first-ever Hudson Valley Garlic Festival this weekend, a festival which I have long heard about but never attended, in part because I take no interest in garlic whatsoever. In fact, I avoid it when possible. However, the festival is supposed to be interesting in itself. I’ll be working – manning […]
Botanical Latin.
01-Sep-11I’ll be attempting the impossible this Saturday, trying to make botanical Latin interesting at a talk at Catskill Native Nursery. Ten a.m. Probably headed that evening for the Woodstock Shakespeare Festival.
Catskill Native Nursery.
16-Jun-10Yesterday was my first day of paid physical labor ever, I think. I took a job with Catskill Native Nursery. “Gardening For a Better Environment.” Landscape restoration, native plant propagation, gardening within nature’s parameters. And for me, using my body and working outdoors. A good beginning. Someone recently asked me if I’d ever work for […]