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Tag Archives: cold

Cold, Cold Wind.


Cutting wood outside today I found it colder than any previous day in the whole winter – even though it was 19 degrees, a good 15 degrees warmer than the coldest days we’ve had so far.  The difference was the wind – a bitter, terrible wind.  Not even chopping wood could warm me in that […]

Cold Spell.


34 degrees inside the cabin when I got up this morning. Don’t know how cold it was outside because it was colder than the thermometer’s range – it just said “LO”. Somewhere below zero. I had to defrost a block of mozzarella yesterday just to eat it – despite keeping it indoors. I thought about […]

Back to the Cabin.


I had been gone for ten days.  When I woke up yesterday morning, it was 30 degrees – and that was inside the cabin.  Though I had had a fire the previous night, the first few fires warm the air only, and at night the coldness of the structure reasserts itself.  A book, for instance, […]



Cold weather the past few days, though warmed by the presence of a friend.  We explored High Falls Brook, hiked up to the weather station, and got a fair amount of wood cut. I did my laundry yesterday in Liberty.  As I went in to the laundromat I grabbed my detergent, which I keep in […]

The Mice Move In.


It’s the season when mice decide their old homes are not quite as warm as they thought they would be, and look for new ones.  After driving down to the store and back, I was dismayed to discern a strong burning smell coming from my truck’s engine; so I popped the hood.  I found a […]

Iterum in silvis.


      I returned to the cabin to find it 35 degrees inside (and this in mid-afternoon during the warm spell before the arctic front arrives).  It had obviously been quite a bit colder most of the time I was gone.  The cold damaged my Norfolk Island Pine, killed my basil plant (at left), and apparently […]