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Tag Archives: corporations

Selling Toxic Bird Seed.


This is a real pleasant item from corporate America: On the same week Scotts Miracle Gro tried to buy an image upgrade by sponsoring the National Wildlife Federation, word has come out of a federal court that the company will pay millions of dollars in fines for selling bird seed it knew was tainted with pesticides […]

Aristotle, Sullivan, Occupy Wall Street, and the Middle Class.


From Andrew Sullivan’s superb piece on Occupy Wall Street: There is simply a limit beyond which economic inequality threatens democratic life, when the majority suspect that a tiny minority has fixed the system beyond repair through the existing institutions, and when the powerful minority begins to think of its own interests as distinct from the […]

Unlimit their liability, and they won’t do this.


The BP spill is remarkable because the initial reportage seems to indicate that this was preventable, and can be laid at the feet of a specific Bush administration policy change in 2003. And now there is talk of fixing the oil-spill problem simply by making oil companies fiscally liable for the damage caused. That seems […]

The Malefactors of Great Wealth.


I know that anger is not all that useful and that my own personal contempt for the malefactors of great wealth is not news to anyone, but since the bonuses paid to AIG executives are being discussed now, let me note that the rich are really storing up wrath for themselves, if not in heaven […]

Institutions and the Living Individual.


If you want to know why Andrew Sullivan has such a huge readership, look no further than this lovely bit of confession that surfaced on his blog yesterday: Despite being a generation older than most of his readers, he expresses precisely the feeling so many of us share, of being a living soul in […]