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Tag Archives: deceit

On Adam and Eve.


Andrew Sullivan engages with the Adam and Eve question – whether they existed – after an NPR story on a few thoughtful evangelicals doing what thoughtful evangelicals in the end must do: repudiate Biblical literalism, and make a place in the pews for some simpler mind. All this is terribly obvious, and I was raised […]



One of my minor fascinations/horrors is the Islamic concept of taqqiya – which I also see spelled taqiyya – “religious lying.”  It is associated mostly with Shiites, who were a minority in much of the Islamic world, and hence concealing their religion when asked about it point-blank was at times prudent.  Of course once this […]

In Brief.


Is it not amazing that lying, deceit, fraud – whatever you want to call it – is not listed among the Catholic Church’s traditional Seven Deadly Sins?  And here we see it still cannot shake a scandal whose deeper meaning is obvious: an utterly insufficient commitment to truth, truth at any cost, truth even if […]