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Tag Archives: Detroit

More Ruins.


Along the line of the Detroit Safari postings before, a list of some of the world’s best modern ruins.  With excellent pictures and some links.  Some of the images of Detroit call to mind Piranesi, and the ones of Gary suggest Caspar David Friedrich.

The Packard Plant in Detroit.


The Packard Plant was the target of this past year’s Detroit Safari; now it gets some treatment in the Wall Street Journal.  Apparently some enterprising hipsters pushed a dumptruck out of the 4th floor of the building.  How it got to the 4th floor of the abandoned plant is another question.  There’s video of the […]

Detroit Safari, Part 2


I’m still recovering from my trip through Detroit, which makes New Orleans’ Ninth Ward look like Salzburg.  It’s been especially striking to travel around Milwaukee the past few days, as Milwaukee, while not a shining city on the hill, seems so livable, well cared-for, and humane by comparison.  For a great sense of the experience, […]

Detroit Safari.


One of the yearly events at the Hillbilly Underground is a trip through the ruins of Detroit, which astonished me, though I am a student of ruins and desolation.  Detroit is the most intense urban desolation I have ever seen, anywhere.  I will provide more links to this, as I digest it, but more or […]