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Tag Archives: energy



“Possessing himself of the high points of the city, Marcellus, about break of day, entered Syracuse through the Hexapylum, all his officers congratulating him. But looking down from the higher places upon the beautiful and spacious city below, he is said to have wept much, commiserating the calamity that hung over it, when his thoughts […]

Barack Obama’s speech.


      One of the reasons why it felt so different was that he was asking us to do something.  It wasn’t like a Bill Clinton speech with a laundry list of ideas, nor like a Bush speech about a threat we face.  Both of those were elements, but the general impression I got from the speech […]

Amtrak – Small But Meaningful Progress on Energy Policy


Recently I spent a little while visiting politicians’ web sites. All of them mention energy, and they all have energy policies of some sort. The Republicans promise more drilling for oil. The democrats promise a commitment to renewable energies. Most of them promise things to take place long after they leave office. “20% renewable energy […]