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Tag Archives: farming

How You Do One Thing Is How You Do Everything.


One of Richard Rohr’s spiritual dicta is that how you do one thing is how you do everything: that there tends to be an organic unity to people, and even to cultures.  The same problem tends to resurface everywhere. Another of his dicta is that you don’t think your way to a new way of […]

Farming and Classics.


There exists a memoir entitled Of Farming and Classics, which to judge from the title seemed like something I might find relevant.  I wrote a review of it for the University Bookman.

Jayber Crow, by Wendell Berry.


Several years ago, when I took it in mind to write a book, I reasoned with myself thus: “Young writers go astray by trying to write ‘the Great American Novel.’  Don’t try.  Write the best book you can about the county where you live.”  That county happened to be Richmond County, or Staten Island, and […]