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Tag Archives: garden



I’ve heard people say that they have trouble getting full-sized carrots, but I’ll say I’ve never had that problem.  I grow mine in raised beds, and I make every effort not to step in the beds and compact the soil.  My soil is high in nitrogen, which may help.  The variety grown may make a […]

Harvesting Coriander.


Coriander has been one of the unexpected gifts of this year’s garden.  It’s also known as cilantro, Coriandrum sativum.  The seed is generally known by a derivative of its Latin name while the plant uses an Italian name.  Finding the sound of the word pleasing, I’m happy to use the term coriander for both.  I […]

Awesome Moth.


I caught sight of this guy on my Agastache, and now that I have a new camera I was – for the first time in four years up here – able to get some decent images of an insect.  The cross-like pattern on the back of this moth means that it’s easy to find on […]

Back to the supermarket.


Was mildly depressed buying vegetables again at the supermarket this past week, after a good five months of growing all my greens.  I still have some lettuce leaves left in the field, because some self-sown seedlings came up this fall, but in general the season is done.

Garden 2011.


The long nights have kept me indoors more than usual, and I spent a little time reviewing photos from the course of this year.  Normally, like most overeducated people (I suppose), I presume that I am a failure who gets absolutely nothing done whatsoever; which is generally true; but looking at some of the photos […]

Garden Bed Number Two Ready for planting…


Don’t Give Up.


Fifteen days after I sowed my lettuce, I gave up on it: the seed was two years old, and I figured it was no longer viable.  The package said it would germinate in 7-10 days.  But it just started coming up.  And everything else is happening too – spring beauties in bloom, trout lilies up, […]

Solitude and Autumn.


Fall is mostly done in the high mountains.  The woods are mostly bare and your eye pierces right through them to the mountains beyond.  And it has gotten very quiet. Last night, in one of my contentedly melancholy moods, I found myself singing this contentedly melancholy song, and I stepped out onto the porch to […]

The Harvest.


I have not been able to photograph the harvest in detail for various reasons, but only a few photos are really necessary.  The satisfactions of growing, looking at, and consuming are well known to all, though like most pleasures the experience always surpasses the memory. The yield was extraordinary, really; certainly more than a hundred […]