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Tag Archives: Giant Ledge

Autumn Once More


Late Summer Mountains.


November in the Mountains.


Fall Peaks.


Hiked in the pouring rain Monday, and was amply rewarded in the spells when the rain paused.

The Bottom of Giant Ledge.


I climbed Giant Ledge with a friend yesterday, and we elected to go around the mountain and inspect the foot of the cliffs from below.  We found a little unexplored world, November moss on all the rocks, green against the coming winter – this is a steep East-facing slope, and stays cool and moist all […]

Fading Color.


This is from late October.  By now all the leaves are gone.

Monastic Life.


When I arrived on top of Giant Ledge late this afternoon I found three people enjoying the view.  Their conversation had some strange inner weight to it which I could not quite fathom, but I could tell that there was some real experience behind it, despite their obvious youth.  It turns out all three were […]



I climbed to my usual perch just south of Panther Mountain on October 8th, full of thoughts.  This is part of what I saw.

The tail end of summer.


From Giant Ledge in the Catskills.

Wittenberg Mountain, from Giant Ledge.


I climbed Giant Ledge with a friend on what appeared to be a gorgeous, sunny afternoon on Saturday.  But it’s strange weather we’ve been having.  Every two hours is like a different day.  It started raining about halfway up, pouring about three-quarters of the way up.  We had no rain gear (this is a short, […]