If the bill is as bad as Howard Dean tells us – and I think Dean has some credibility on this issue – then the right thing to do would be to kill the bill. It would be interesting to see if Obama would be willing to veto it if it passed. That would be […]
Tag Archives: health care
Health Care Options.
18-Dec-09http://gothamist.com/2009/09/23/howard_dean_former_dnc_chairman.php A good experience too. The transcription can only do so much. My favorite moment was when I told him that I had taught at Saint David’s, a school that would be familiar to anyone that went to Browning. The tone of his voice changed and he paused, as if some memory had just arisen […]
Obama on Health Care.
10-Sep-09A superb speech. This man is still head and shoulders above the other politicians around him. I felt that what had to be said were stories along these lines: One man from Illinois lost his coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because his insurer found that he hadn’t reported gallstones that he didn’t even know […]
More on healthcare.
22-Dec-09From Marc Ambinder.