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Tag Archives: Israel

End of the Republic Update.


One of the defining characteristics of ancient Rome’s late Republic was the saturation of domestic politics with international politics.  It began with Roman tribunes such as Lucius Apuleius Saturninus and Marcus Livius Drusus representing – whether out of principle or profit at this distance in time is hard to say – the interests not of […]

Just For the Record.


It’s worth Obama being a one-term president, it’s worth the Mossad assassinating him, it’s worth his losing a few million donors, to not veto the Palestinian request for statehood.  It’s the official policy of the United States that the Palestinians should have their own state. For us to veto it just shows our own disgusting […]

The Israeli Raid on the Flotilla.


The aid flotilla to Gaza that Israel intercepted is one of the most promising things I have seen out of the Middle East in my memory.  It indicates an entirely new way of fighting the battle, a way that has some chance of success.  Israel’s policies are dependent on the idea that Israelis are morally […]

The Impossible.


I don’t know if he said this, but if he did, this might make me like a guy like Rahm Emanuel: According to reports, Emanuel told Dayan the U.S. is sick of the Israelis, who adopt suitable ideas months too late, when they are no longer effective. The U.S. is also sick of the Palestinians […]

Bloggers on the Bombing in Gaza.


A marvellous collection of excerpts from bloggers of various stripes collected here.

The Israelis and the Palestinians.


            Not that long ago I came across a few sheets of the New York Post from the 1980s which had been used as wrapping paper on some objects which had been stored in my mother’s attic.  Intrigued for a bit of old news, I read that there was an “outbreak” of “increasing violence” in […]