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Tag Archives: Mississippi River Bike Trip

Troy the Pegleg Transmissionist of Lexington.


I pulled into the transmission place.  A young man with gentle eyes and a baseball cap covering a curly mullet was behind the counter: I liked him immediately.  I told him the honest story: I was coming down from the Catskills in New York; had lost the clutch on the truck; it had 265,000 miles […]

Day One: From Clarity to Clouds and Rain.


After a few days not spinning my wheels in New York City – I was making attempts at buying gear for the trip, and failing as I typically do in anything related to shopping – I finally left New York around noon on Monday the 14th of April.  I came to the conclusion that if […]

Out of Cold Storage.


My bike has now been pulled out of cold storage.  This bike has been across the country, New York to Seattle, and down the West Coast to Tijuana, and has done the length of the Via Appia from Rome to Brundisium.  This time the plan is to ascend the Mississippi River, from the Gulf to […]