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Tag Archives: New York City

Hannah and Her Sisters.


Three years ago, for Valentine’s Day, the Fox Theater in Tucson was showing Annie Hall, which gave me the privilege of seeing it in a theater. It had been twenty years since I had seen it last, and it amazed me: its inventiveness, its consistently good humor, the truly impressive way that it brings you […]

New York, New York…


From a friend who refuses to get a blog: New York City tells it like it is. While walking out of Grand Central I saw a large woman fall in the middle of the road. One of her shoes (possibly the cause of her fall) was a few feet away. A man rushed to her […]

Our Lady of Loreto on Easter Sunday.


Saint Paul on the facade of Our Lady of Loreto church in East New York, Brooklyn.  The church, designed by Paterson sculptor Federico Gaetani and one of the finest examples of neo-Baroque architecture in New York, has been shuttered by the diocese of Brooklyn.

In Queens.


Walking down the block in the early afternoon on my natal street, and the wind brings to me the smell of the ocean – the summer onshore breeze that sets in on summer afternoons.  So beautiful, and so laced with so many memories – of the small town in the city where I grew up, […]

New York City.


A whole bunch of gobsmacking old photos of New York City.

New York City.


Forest Park, Queens.  February 2011.

Mark Carr, the first New York City Christmas Tree Seller.


I started talking to the guy who runs the town dump about Christmas tree selling in New York City – mostly the province of Quebecois – and he said, “You should take a look on my website.  I wrote a couple of pieces about Christmas tree selling in New York City – its origins and […]

Easter Services.


I came down to the City to be with my fellow believers for Easter.  I spent Holy Thursday with the Episcopalians, which was beautiful as always, and then Good Friday and the Vigil at a parish in Murray Hill. The experience of worship during Easter season in the City is unusual.  The Churches are full, […]

Time: 2010. Place: New York City.


Staten Island is a little different from the rest of New York City, isn’t it?  This is Mount Loretto, the remains of an old orphanage along the southern shore of the island.  This area is the subject of an essay, “Ultima Thule,” in my forthcoming book about Staten Island.

Still an abuse of the law.


Attempts to make law enforcement a business just create stupidity, petty regulation, law for law’s sake, and injustice.  Even if it’s petty injustice.