I’ve read a few bloggers who complain that Obama’s relative silence is “cowardly” or that there is too much emphasis on “realpolitik” and he’s just waiting to see who triumphs and then he’ll embrace him. Nonsense. This man knows that he is not the story here. And what’s more, he doesn’t need to say anything […]
Tag Archives: Obama
Obama’s Refusal to Grandstand.
16-Jun-09Iranian News.
15-Jun-09I come down from my cabin to internet life here in the valley to find some real world news since last I checked, coming from Iran. A stolen election – I see no need to discuss this overmuch, it’s clearly something the Iranian government would willingly do, and there’s evidence enough already – and hundreds […]
Reaction to the Obama Cairo Speech.
05-Jun-09I sat myself down in Claryville on a cloudy, cold summer afternoon and watched the Obama Cairo speech beginning to end, and then read some of the internet reactions. My short reaction is that Obama is a poster child for the importance of personal spiritual development. For the most part, the existence of these spiritually […]
Obama’s Cairo Speech.
05-Jun-09I thought about this a lot as I heard older folk talk about the presidential campaign: what a gift the internet is, to deliver us from what used to be called journalism. Here’s the full video and transcript of the Obama speech in Cairo. It’s quite extraordinary if looked at in full. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/06/02/us/politics/200900604_OBAMA_CAIRO.html
Andrew Sullivan and abortion.
03-Jun-09The murder of Dr. Tiller has produced a fresh investigation of abortion. Andrew Sullivan has posted numerous personal stories about abortions. They are all worth reading and pondering. It’s hard not to feel something like the Obama position: abortion is a moral issue, a deeply moral issue, like the way you use your body sexually, […]
Obama and the Constitution.
27-Jan-09I have to find myself agreeing with all that is below, from Andrew Sullivan’s blog (mostly written by one of his readers): A reader writes: Scott Horton is right. My feeling is that Obama’s opening days have gone better than I had any right to expect. Obama has been many things in his life, but […]
A more perfect union.
26-Jan-09Passing through Spartanburg (S.C.), I stopped at a laundromat on the east side of town. There were four people there, and curiously enough, all four of us were youngish men, doing the laundry on a weekday afternoon. The other three men were all black. We started talking, but I literally could not understand the accent of […]
Obama on Health Care.
10-Sep-09A superb speech. This man is still head and shoulders above the other politicians around him. I felt that what had to be said were stories along these lines: One man from Illinois lost his coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because his insurer found that he hadn’t reported gallstones that he didn’t even know […]