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Tag Archives: racism

Can You Belong On A Different Continent? Or Is That Just Colonialism Talking?


corporately If you will indulge me, let me share with you a long excerpt from Karen (Isak) Dinesen, the beginning of her superb memoir Out of Africa. It is long and descriptive, but instructive, and I will have some things to say about it: I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong […]

The Silent Majority Against Justice.


buy prednisone 5 mg online The term “right wing” comes from the Estates-General of France: the king would sit in the middle of parliament, with the nobles and bishops on his right, while the representatives of the people would sit on the king’s left. As a Christian I still scratch my head about this: “What were the bishops doing over […]

America, Obama, and D.W. Griffiths.


Driving back from campaigning in Ohio, I passed by an intriguing sign. It said, “America or Obama: You Can’t Have Both.” Now it seemed to me we have had both for four years now; and that America was about the same it was when he took office. Having both had proven easy enough, in fact. […]

The Racially Conscious Society.


Above is the electoral map for Mitt Romney among white men.  Even in states like California and New York, white men voted for Romney.  Identity is crucial in presidential politics, but there is some danger that our society will continue to amp up these kinds of divides, and that elections will be more and more […]

In Greenville, Mississippi.


I camped out in the Delta National Forest last night, and took breakfast in Greenville.  A group of eight or nine older white folks was sitting around a big table in the center of a Main-Street diner.  One reported that a “black man’s head” had just been found by the police, the second murder in […]