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Tag Archives: Reginald Foster

Carolus Egger on Peterborough


In 1957, when Reginald Foster was sixteen years of age and a student at the Carmelite Seminary in Peterborough, New Hampshire, he was an avid reader of Latinitas, the tantum-Latine magazine produced in the halls of the Vatican.  He had learned of the existence of this magazine from his Latin teacher, Conrad Fliess, who had […]

Libellus Memorialis Itineris Admirandi Apollinis Undecimi


[Scriptio haec aureo est laudis insigni honestata in Certamine Vaticano XIII] “Octo tantummodo praeterierunt dies – dumtaxat hebdomas una – longa ea quidem; attamen haec hebdomas orbis nostri praeclarissima fuit a condita rerum natura, quoniam per hos dies quae contigerunt mundum amplificaverunt in immensum.” Ita elate et ample locutus Foederatarum Civitatum Americae Septentrionalis Praeses, Richardus […]

The First Press Profile of Fr. Reginald Foster.


[From Jan. 10, 1971. By Louis B. Fleming, who wrote a column called “From Cicero’s View.”] Latinist Chronicles Lunar Adventure By Louis B. Fleming ROME – All systems are “A-OK” and the navicula speculatoria is on the moon. If that’s Greek to you, it’s Latin to the Rev. Reginald Thomas Foster, and there’s nothing dead […]

Telling Reginaldus’s Whole Story


The media attention which Fr. Reginald Foster has received in the past week since his death has been mostly exhilarating but sometimes saddening. The exhilarating part is seeing how many lives he touched, and how people remain interested in him. The sad part is seeing how the media outlets with the widest reach (such as […]

Fr. Reginald Foster, O.C.D., 1939-2020


  Reginald Foster in his classroom in 2001. Te amamus, dulcis magister.

Reginaldus and Leo Magnus, for Christmas


Reginaldus passed away just after midnight on Christmas morning. Some rather sensitive and intelligent tweeter sent this link to me, of Reginaldus reading the first Christmas sermon of his favorite author, Leo Magnus: Here is the text: Agamus ergo, dilectissimi, gratias Deo Patri, per Filium eius in Spiritu Sancto, qui propter multam caritatem suam, […]

The Strange Obligation of Happiness


Reginald Foster on doing what you want: “I say, ‘dummodo felicissimi sint.’ You have to be happy, because that calendar over there in the corner, it’s turning over, and it’s not going to wait for you, and when you’re dead no one’s going to care.”

S. M. Stephenson’s Critical Anthology of Latin Literature.


I own the only copy of this book that I’ve ever seen come for sale online. This is the high school textbook that Reginald Foster used while in the Carmelite Seminary in Peterborough, New Hampshire. It is the best, most thorough anthology of Latin literature I’ve ever seen, and thanks to the diligence of my […]

Helping Tell the Story of Latin in the Twenty-First Century


Eleven years ago, I attended my first Rusticatio, a week-long Latin immersion experience run by an organization called SALVI that takes place in Bushrod Washington’s (grand-nephew of the pater patriae) old mansion in West Virginia.  I thought it made a fascinating story: there was a subculture of Latin speakers in West Virginia?  For real?  I […]

The Reginald Foster Biography Project


This past fall I was asked to write a profile of Fr. Reginald Foster, which is coming out shortly from The New Criterion.  At the time I was working on a memoir about Rome, and it was obvious that I was leaving a tremendous amount about my relationship with Reginaldus unsaid because it was too complicated. […]