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Tag Archives: Religulous

Into Eternity.


I saw the well-reviewed documentary “Into Eternity” last week, and was not too impressed, though I don’t quite regret the two hours.  There has to be some excuse for making a movie out of what might be a thousand-word essay; and “Into Eternity” does not offer that kind of visual or experiential payoff.  The facility […]

On Bad Religion.


“The thickest veils between man and Allah are the wisdom of the wise, the worship of the religious, and the piety of the pious.”  – Bayazid Bistami Thinking recently about Religulous – and the religious error of pursuing religion without first pursuing humility.

Reginaldus and Bill Maher.


For those who haven’t seen it or want a refresher, here’s the clip of Reginald Foster and Bill Maher.  It amazes me how Maher struck the major emotional chord of Reginaldus’ life: a man who dedicated his life to the Church, then fell in love with God, and has had to try (with only partial success) […]



It’s not immediately obvious that the main message of the movie Religulous – that religion is ridiculous and we have no room for it anymore in the world – would appeal to any person (like myself) who describes himself as religious.  Religious people have seen atheists set up paper tigers and rip them apart before.  […]