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Tag Archives: Republicans

Wealth, Vice, Corruption, Barbarism At Last.

01-Dec-11 Scott Horton translates for us as Der Spiegel notes what needs to be noted, that the Republican primary is so embarrassing that it is doing damage to our image abroad.  This country has to give up either its ignorance or its empire or its democracy.  If the president had no real international power, the global ignorance […]



isotretinoin online no prescription Krugman does an excellent job giving it to the Republicans. They want to balance the budget by cutting spending, but not spending on seniors and the military, which is the entire problem with the federal budget. Krugman notes that we would have to eliminate the entire federal government, even including Congress, in order to simultaneously […]

Radical Incoherence.


Sullivan linked to a video featuring a former U.S. Speaker of the House – who admittedly never got any reputation for integrity – call Obama “the most radical president in American history.”  In the cafe where I’m writing in small-town America, there’s a little memento I often look at.  It’s a “Gasoline Ration Card,” issued […]

I (Heart) Hypocrisy.


Here’s the Senate vote on an amendment which would require all new debits to be offset by counterbalancing credits – “pay as you go,” an anti-deficit measure. “Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another.”  The disgust I feel for men without […]