I utterly agree with him: I have written about Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins before, as well as their spiritual progenitor Bertrand Russell.
Tag Archives: Richard Dawkins
Andrew Sullivan on the New Atheists.
11-Nov-11Richard Dawkins’ God Delusion.
20-Feb-11The Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion is not a good book; it is unorganized, gossipy, filled with tangents, of little depth, and boring. Oscar Wilde said there were no moral or immoral books; “books are well written, or badly written, that is all.” The God Delusion is badly written. I could tell I was […]
I’ve been impressed recently by the intelligence, articulateness, and unapologetically rakish character of Christopher Hitchens, and curiosity about and respect for the man prompted me to take a look at the fashionable atheist books of the day, beginning with his God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. As is always the case with modern […]