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Tag Archives: Richmond Hill

A Richmond Hill Landmark in the News.


It’s nice to see the great Red Oak of White Hill getting some press – it was mentioned in today’s Times blog.  The tree – which they’re calling the “Robin Hood Oak” – fell in that storm that sent a tornado through Brooklyn in 2010 – was the most magnificent tree I have seen growing in city […]

Jack Kerouac, Man Who Got It.


From Kerouac’s Richmond Hill journals (the area I grew up in Queens): MONDAY AUG. 23 – Told my mother today she ought to go live down South with the family instead of spending all her time slaving in shoe factories in order to earn just enough money to spend on the system of expenses that […]

In Queens.


Walking down the block in the early afternoon on my natal street, and the wind brings to me the smell of the ocean – the summer onshore breeze that sets in on summer afternoons.  So beautiful, and so laced with so many memories – of the small town in the city where I grew up, […]

Queens NY.


Jamaica Avenue, old siding under the El.

New York City.


Forest Park, Queens.  February 2011.

On the treadmill.


“MONDAY AUG. 23 – Told my mother today she ought to go live down South with the family instead of spending all her time slaving in shoe factories in order to earn just enough money to spend on the system of expenses that is our society.  In Russia they slave for the state, here they […]

Punjab Love Festival.


Greetings from Richmond Hill, Queens, home of the 2010 Punjab Love Festival.  This poster in a shopfront on Jamaica Avenue caught my eye, but the festival – which offered “free food, free game, unconditional love and more” – had already passed.

Kerouac, the unideal husband.


Kerouac’s first marriage: he married a girl and moved out to Grosse Pointe, Michigan, and worked at his father-in-law’s ball-bearings factory.  It lasted two months: At home Edie and her mother, anxious to see Jack as a competent husband, were alarmed that he spent most of his free time in the bathroom, reading Shakespeare and […]

The J Train.


A few friends got some real experience with the J train last night – in a blizzard no less – coming out to decorate the Christmas tree with me and sing a few old songs.  It reminded me of the following story: A friend called me up after flying out of New York, very excited.  […]

Viral Fish.


I heard from a friend that the story I penned for Gothamist about the Great Fish of Richmond Hill still had some legs and was getting traffic, and since I doubted this traffic was coming solely from Gothamist, I decided to fish around the internet and see where the story had gone.  Sure enough, if […]