I have some trepidation about putting this piece up online, because I have worked hard on it, over a period of years, and Rusticatio has in that time become a large part of my life, and I’ve wanted to do it some justice in print. Sitting on it for years meant that I could just […]
Tag Archives: Rusticatio Virginiana
The Latin Speakers of West Virginia.
05-Oct-15Back Home.
19-Jul-11I left the Rusticatio Virginiana yesterday afternoon, after several days discussing the future and mission of SALVI, an organization dedicated to living Latin; and after dinner on the road and a long conversation with a friend, I found myself just outside of Liberty, New York, around 1 a.m. My eyes were closing involuntarily, and I […]
Gone Latin-speakin’…
17-Jul-10Will probably be out of touch for awhile, as I’ve gone off to rusticate.
Especially in Michigan.
26-Jul-09Rusticatione facta, I’m headed off to Michigan to be a part of an artists’ colony called The Hillbilly Underground. Hopefully I will do some writing, though it’d be a lie to say I wanted to do much other than socialize.
19-Jul-09For the next week I’ll be serving in an instructional role at the Rusticatio Virginiana. A group named SALVI – the North American Living Latin Institute – rents a 19th c. plantation in West Virginia and fills it with people who for a week speak nothing but Latin – taking classes, cooking our meals, playing […]
Writing about the woods.
29-Apr-09Last summer I worked for a week as an assistant at a Latin-speaking program called the Rusticatio Virginiana. My “contubernalis” (roommate) there was a wonderful high school Latin teacher named Bob Patrick (“Robertus” in Latin). Besides an endlessly interesting spiritual path that has included being a Methodist minister, converting to Catholicism, and leaving the Church […]