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Tag Archives: SALVI

The Latin Speakers of West Virginia.


I have some trepidation about putting this piece up online, because I have worked hard on it, over a period of years, and Rusticatio has in that time become a large part of my life, and I’ve wanted to do it some justice in print.  Sitting on it for years meant that I could just […]

Something Is Happening.


A very nice article by Tony Grafton which testifies to the work of the Paideia Institute, a not-for-profit cultural institution inspired by Fr. Reginald Foster with a focus on linking a classical, humanistic education with the joy of being human.  I have spent much of my life with the people mentioned in the article, and […]

Living Latin


SALVI, the North American Institute of Living Latin Studies (Septentrionale Americanum Latinitatis Vivae Institutum), has a new website up with various Latin resources, including a fair amount of information about their Rusticatio, the week-long Latin immersions we do during the summer.  They’ve also got a piece I wrote with some hints for Latinists learning to […]



For the next week I’ll be serving in an instructional role at the Rusticatio Virginiana.  A group named SALVI – the North American Living Latin Institute – rents a 19th c. plantation in West Virginia and fills it with people who for a week speak nothing but Latin – taking classes, cooking our meals, playing […]