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Tag Archives: Staten Island or Life In the Boroughs

The Ferry Terminal.


An excerpt from the Staten Island book in Brooklyn Rail. The Staten Island book is (at long last!) nearing its release, which should be in October. I’ve been proofing the galleys over the past few days. The book can be ordered here.

Staten Island.


The book is stalled a bit, as we’re looking for the right paper for the edition, which needs a 19th c. feel; the papers looked a bit modern and slick and had to be changed.  I’ll keep you updated.

Now we have a Cover…


The Staten Island book is coming together… now we have a cover for it.  Looks great: Staten Island’s best mix of the 1880s, 1890s, and today.  You can order and get a look here.

The Book.


You can pre-order the Staten Island book now.  I am excited by it; it looks to be a thing of beauty.  The illustrations by Lesley Chen are extraordinary.  I’m told I’ve pre-sold three copies, thereby exceeding all expectations. Selling books reminds me of Thoreau’s printing of a thousand copies of his first book – which […]

Time: 2010. Place: New York City.


Staten Island is a little different from the rest of New York City, isn’t it?  This is Mount Loretto, the remains of an old orphanage along the southern shore of the island.  This area is the subject of an essay, “Ultima Thule,” in my forthcoming book about Staten Island.