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Tag Archives: The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins’ God Delusion.


The Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion is not a good book; it is unorganized, gossipy, filled with tangents, of little depth, and boring.  Oscar Wilde said there were no moral or immoral books; “books are well written, or badly written, that is all.”  The God Delusion is badly written.  I could tell I was […]

Christopher Hitchens, Religions, and Life Without God.


I’ve been impressed recently by the intelligence, articulateness, and unapologetically rakish character of Christopher Hitchens, and curiosity about and respect for the man prompted me to take a look at the fashionable atheist books of the day, beginning with his God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.  As is always the case with modern […]