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Tag Archives: Thomas Paine

Against The Self-Made Man.


Philosophically the concept is nonsense, and practically a lie; religiously it is heresy, and politically a mere means of empowering those with the most power.  Mr. Tom Paine on personal wealth: Separate an individual from society, and give him an island or a continent to possess, and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be […]

An ass for a lion.


Ah, the way Tom Paine writes. To the evil of monarchy we have added that of hereditary succession; and as the first is a degradation and lessening of ourselves, so the second, claimed as a matter of right, is an insult and an imposition on posterity. For all men being originally equals, no one by […]

Scientific Thinking. Historical Thinking. And ?


Oswald Spengler, a great and underrated philosopher, rigorously described the different modes of thinking – and hence experiencing – which constituted science and history.  From the scientific perspective, phenomena are conceived as continually possible.  If certain causes are provided, certain effects can be procured.  The hallmark of any scientific experiment is that it must be reproducible. […]

The purpose of despotic government…


… is revenue, saith Tom Paine.  Here’s the latest adventure in this realm. I’m wrapping up a nine-day stay in the City, and have some time at long last to record a few of the many, many impressions. The Friday after Michael Jackson died I met some friends at a Soho apartment and we listened […]

Quote for the Day.


“Man is not the enemy of man but by the medium of a false system of government.” – Thomas Paine Our prayers are with all those who do not wish to be governed by fear.