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Tag Archives: tracking

The Hunter.


I love how the snow of winter produces, like a court reporter, a continual transcript of all the events that take place on the ground.  I wouldn’t have known the property was visited continually by a bobcat two winters ago, or that there was a bear to track, were it not for the snow that […]

The Sound of a Bear.


It rained most of the day yesterday, and a guest and I came out of the cabin as the skies cleared in the early evening.  As we were working putting down a bark-mulch in the garden, we heard a large animal moving through the forest – the snapping of a twig, and the swishing of […]

Tracking the Bear.


I left around 11:30 this morning to follow the tracks up the mountain.  Any doubts I had were quickly resolved; the tracks went underneath low-lying branches and in certain places the pawprints were crystal-clear.  It was indeed a bear, wandering around in mid-January. For the most part the tracks were clear.  They came to one […]



There were a pair of unusual tracks across my front lawn when I inspected the property on Wednesday.  Two large animals walked right past my front door, not twenty feet from the cabin.  The tracks were several days old and I found no sharp details – no pads, no clawmarks, nothing truly indicative.  The impressions […]