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Tag Archives: Venice

When Life Gives You Mud…


When life gives you mud, start a Mud Equipment Company.  It was closed, but I really wanted to go in and say, “How’s the mud equipment business was in Louisiana?  I’ve been thinking of starting one in the Catskills, and I’m gathering information.”  In Venice, Louisiana.

North through Venice.


I left a bit late my first morning on the road – some of it was that I was not planning on cycling that much that day – it is best to start slowly, if you intend to keep going for a long time – but there was a little bit of fear, that gave […]

The Willingness to Start.


I had spent the day in Venice, and had thought about starting to ride north that same day, but thought better of it. It was now the end of the day, and I pedaled back to the Venice Inn, where I had stayed the night before, and got the same room again. The hotel was, […]

The Vietnamese Shrimpers of Louisiana.


Coming back into Venice I asked Roland about the Vietnamese fishermen who I heard had moved into Southern Louisiana. Did they have any special communities or towns of their own? “No, dey heah,” he said. “In fact dat dock ovuh deah is owned by a Vietnamese, dose ah dey boats right deah.” Their shrimp boats […]

Into the Gray of the Gulf.


So began one of the great rides of my life, with Roland, my pilot for this expedition. He absolutely refused any kind of monetary compensation; but I did get his address, and will send him some maple syrup. He was a man about fifty, with an intelligent look in his eyes.  His accent sometimes sounded […]

With the Coonasses at the Marina.


I ate lunch at Crawgators, the Venice Marina’s restaurant, when it opened; I talked to the waitresses about life in Venice, Hurricane Katrina, how cold it was (for them – it was probably 70), how much they liked New Orleans. The sandwich they gave me was served on Texas toast, each slice of bread an […]

Waiting at the Marina.


I called the harbormaster in the morning, around six. He seemed gruff and not likely to be helpful. “Yeah theh’s boats goin’ out. Jes go ‘round and ask the captains if they’ll tek you.” This was one of the problems – I felt – with calling ahead. When on a telephone, the stranger’s best guarantee […]

First Impressions of Venice: Herons on Halliburton Road.


I had a few hours of daylight left me after Catherine’s departure, so I got on my bike for the first time and rode around town. I will confess that I was confused by what I saw – I saw only contradictions. Biking through town I saw new homes everywhere, mostly of the cheapest, pre-fabricated […]

To the Edge of the Deep Gray Sea.


We scurried back to our hotel, threw our things into the truck, and checked out. I presume they were used to guests missing check-out times. The clerk said nothing about it. South we went. We went over the Mississippi on that big bridge, and I just marveled at the thing. “Look at that! Look at […]

Exquisite Writing.


I just wrote a review where I contested that Joseph O’Neill’s writing is lyrical, beautiful, exquisite, etc.  For contrast, I provide what I consider exquisite writing.  This is the beginning of Ruskin’s Stones of Venice. Note the languorous conclusions of the sentences.  This is all silk and pillows, no doubt, and not all writing should […]