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Tag Archives: victim mentality

On the Feast of Stephen.


Gioia Tauro My bike trip this past spring brought me through Nauvoo, Illinois, a Mormon town. It is a tourist town, and a pleasant place, with the prosperity and wholesomeness once thought proper to all rural America but now almost the exclusive property of the Mormons. The lawns are crisply mowed, families walk blithely down the streets […]

Victim Mentality.

03-Nov-09 I distrust anyone who attempts to portray themselves as a victim.  Some people are victims, certainly, but a managed, well-researched self-presentation as such is almost always a sign of some kind of derangement.  Especially when you’re one of the most powerful people in the most powerful country in the world, of course.—the-gospel-in-the-digital-age/index.cfm?i=14042 We have […]