Tag Archives: Wildcat Mountain
Hurricane Sandy.
04-Nov-12I was at the cabin for the hurricane, which counts as one of the more impressive experiences of my life. I was on high ground, and all the trees within striking distance of the house are healthy and rather distant threats, all in all. That said, I was aware of their presence and experienced a […]
Mountain Floods and Mountain Life.
21-Sep-12I spent several days hiking the Devil’s Path this weekend, and when I got back I needed to attend to some internet matters and go to the supermarket. So I spent the greater part of a day in Liberty, where it was raining very impressively. I drove back not terribly worried. I didn’t realize that […]
Writing about the woods.
29-Apr-09Last summer I worked for a week as an assistant at a Latin-speaking program called the Rusticatio Virginiana. My “contubernalis” (roommate) there was a wonderful high school Latin teacher named Bob Patrick (“Robertus” in Latin). Besides an endlessly interesting spiritual path that has included being a Methodist minister, converting to Catholicism, and leaving the Church […]
Remembering what I left behind…
24-Mar-09Snow on Wildcat Mountain, fall 2008.