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Tag Archives: Woodstock

Two Days of Peace, Love, and Planting.


how to buy Clomiphene over the counter I spent the last two days in Woodstock, planting: redbuds, dogwoods, mountain laurel, rhododendron.  And killing barberry.  Two of the good days.  God be praised.

Local Radio.


amitotically On New Year’s Day, I listened to the Woodstock radio station WDST, which is just about the only independent radio station I’ve ever heard.  They had their “top 100 songs of the decade.”  Apparently this list was determined by listener vote in some way or other.  The list is so idiosyncratic it reads like a […]

Not a Bad Idea.


Saw this bumper sticker in Woodstock.  An internet search by my inept self revealed no information about who is running this particular dead man’s campaign.  With the exception of his untimely 1987 death, this is not a terrible idea.

The Woodstock Shakespeare Festival.


‘Tis the final weekend for the Woodstock Shakespeare Festival. I presume I’ll find my way there this coming weekend.  The festival is a complete delight, with free admission (donation suggested), no seating (bring a blanket and picnic), and amateur Shakespeare done with zest.  The productions have been anchored for many years now by the actor […]

From Overlook Mountain.


I climbed Overlook Mountain, which overlooks Woodstock, just before heading down to the city.  This is the view towards the northwest, from the fire tower.